ship registration

Enhanced requirements for shore-based personnel boarding vessels in the Port of Singapore

Source: Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore - Shore-based personnel carry out essential work onboard vessels in our port such as cargo and bunkering operations, repairs and maintenance, as well as surveys and inspections.

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IMO Secretary-General denounces “no crew change” clauses

Source: IMO - Charterers’ “no crew change” clauses aggravate the ongoing crew change crisis and further threaten safety of navigation, says IMO Secretary-General.

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Bahamas Maritime Authority Releases Updated Information on Operation and/or Registration of Yachts In the Bahamas

Source: OGSR Editors - The Bahamas Maritime Authority has recently issued a number of "Yacht Notices" that provide updated information as to the operation and/or registration of yachts, small and large, private or charted. For our readers convenience your editor has included links to the Notices below:

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Marine Notice No.59 of 2020 - Notice to all terminal operators, ship owners and masters loading and unloading bulk carriers

Source: Ireland Department of Transport -The purpose of S.I. No. 347/2003 –European Communities (Safe Loading and Unloading of Bulk Carriers) Regulations 20031(S.I. No.

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As a maritime pilot, how can I protect myself and slow the spread of COVID-19?

Source: Centers for Disease Control - For maritime pilots, potential sources of exposures include close contact with a vessel crewmember with COVID-19 and touching your nose, mouth, or eyes after contacting surfaces or handling items that a person with COVID-19 has touched.

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Source: MARITIME AND PORT AUTHORITY OF SINGAPORE - "MPA will continue to consider the following circumstances for crew change $applications:

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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information resources on Coronavirus (COVID-19) relating to Seafarers and Shipping

Source: IMO - This guide is intended as starting point to identify relevant information sources about COVID-19 in relation to shipping and seafarers. Additional  research guides developed by the MKC, Maritime Facts and Figures or Seafarers, may also be useful.


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Catalog of COVID-19 Best Management Practices for the U.S. Maritime Industry

Source: U.S. Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS) - The U.S.

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Protocol for maritime crew members joining or signing off a vessel in Queensland

Source: Queensland Government - "This is the protocol for maritime crew approved by the Chief Health Officer referred to in the Self-quarantine for Persons Arriving in Queensland From Overseas Direction (No. 6) and the Border restrictions Direction (No. 16) or their successors, unless otherwise revoked or amended.

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Covid -19 - Norwegian protocols with regards to crew change on ships

Source: Norwegian Maritime Authority (NMA) - This document outlines Norwegian protocols regarding crew change on ships for foreign nationals signing on or off in Norway.


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